Tame Your Bladder

  • Tired of stressing about your bladder and wondering where the bathroom is?
  • Tired of your friends and family asking if you are going AGAIN?
  • Embarrassed to have to get up and leave your meetings?
  • Worried you won't make it in time?

Learn everything you need to know to get out of the bathroom and back into your life.

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Lifestyle and Behavioral change for overactive bladder (OAB)

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    Dr. Jen Le Coguic

    Integrative Women's Health Coach

    Who am I?

    Certified integrative women's health coach and Doctor of Physical Therapy, specializing in women's health for the past 10 years. My mission has always been to give my patients the knowledge and compassion they need to live a full life on their own terms. And now, I want to bring that knowledge to a wider group of women who don’t have the ability to work with me in person.

    What's covered?

    • What are healthy bladder habits?
    • What strategies are you using that might seem logical but may actually be making the problem worse?
    • How can you retrain your bladder so that you are in control and not the other way around?
    • What lifestyle changes can you make to support your bladder now and as you age?